energy pathways of the body

What does the body's free energy system consist of?

Aura – Electromagnetic energy field surrounding the torso
Chakras – Energy centres
Meridians – Energy channels / pathways

Energy flows through the body along divers pathways (meridians, nadis), similar to how blood flows along arteries and veins.

What are chakras?

Where several energy pathways (meridians) cross, a concentration of energy occurs. These energy centres ('hotspots') are called Chakras.

At that place are seven major Chakras in the body plus many minor ones.

Each of the 7 major Chakras is responsible for regulating energy flow to a specific function of the body.

The positive and negative energies generated by ane's thoughts, emotions, interactions with others and the environs pass along the meridians and through the chakras.

The chakras announced like spinning wheels of energy, each with its own characteristic color. They go in and out of remainder every bit a role of normal function. Still, an accumulation of negative energy tin cause them to become blocked or unbalanced. This impedes energy menses to that role of the torso and may eventually effect in malfunction (affliction, illness).

Regular cleansing and balancing of the chakras facilitates optimum energy flow through the body. – This leads to improved wellness, vitality, mental clarity, emotional stability, confidence etc.

What is the Aura?

The aureola is the electromagnetic free energy field which penetrates and extends out and beyond the concrete torso of every living and non-living thing, including inanimate man-made objects, rocks, planets etc. It consists of a abiding flow of free energy of varying frequencies and vibrations.

Human being Aura –  consists of seven layers

  • Part of the human being energy system which connects to the external surroundings.
  • Energy flows from the environment through the aura into the chakras and vice versa.
  • Thus, information technology forms the starting time line of defence of the trunk'due south energy systems.
  • A stiff, healthy aura reduces the likelihood of developing illness, increases one's allure to others, and resists toxins and pollutants.
  • Negative energy, toxins and pollutants in the surround commencement enter the aureola before inbound the body.) Regular cleaning of the aura through Positive Healing removes them before they bear on the body.

1) Base Chakra (Base of spine)

Associations: security and prophylactic, survival, nurturing and basic needs (family), grounding, abundance, cocky-identity, self-beliefs.

Signs of imbalance

  • Feeling 'stuck in a rut' (difficulty releasing emotions and moving frontward).
  • Feeling lone and isolated.
  • Behaviours dominated by insecurity and fearfulness (obsessions, phobias, eating disorders, OCD, feet, panic attacks) addictions, scarcity (hoarding or stinginess).

An imbalance may be

a) caused by one's upbringing and early life experiences – if basic needs (dearest, validation, nurturing) were not fulfilled. Emotional energy associated with feelings of insecurity, scarcity, low cocky-esteem and low are stored in this chakra.

b) triggered by bereavement or broken relationships and failure to release associated emotions (grief, hurting etc).

Physical signs – chronic lower dorsum pain, varicose veins, h2o retention, digestive disorders, fertility bug, allowed disorders.

Benefits of balancing

  • Stimulates energy menstruum through the body's whole energy organization.
  • Facilitates release of undesired emotions and releases feet and depression.
  • Promotes feelings of self-confidence and security, assuasive progress and success in life.

two) Sacral Chakra ( Beneath the umbilicus)

Associations – creativity, sexuality/sensuality, allowing and experiencing pleasure, relating to other people, emotions.

Signs of imbalance

  • Unbalanced emotions (over emotional or numbness).
  • Feeling isolated and lone, disconnected.
  • Depression self confidence, eating disorders, lethargy, lack of stamina.
  • Sciatica, lower back pain, gynaecological /menstrual/ sexual disorders.
  • Abdominal, kidney and urinary disorders.

Benefits of balancing
Quickly connect with others,
Increases connectedness, warmth, vitality. Enhance creativity, confidence, focus, determination making.
Hence, improved relationships, fun, pleasure.

3) Solar Plexus (Merely below the breast bone)

Associations – will,
personal power (internal bulldoze),
self-esteem and personal identity, intuitive 'gut feeling' and self-trust.

Mutual causes of imbalance are stress and multitasking, or an over controlled childhood.

Signs of imbalance

  • Feeling helpless, drained, unfocused.
  • Excessive need to control one's surroundings and people.
  • Poor concentration and memory.
  • Stress related disorders (phobias, eating disorders, skin conditions).
    Slumber issues.

Benefits of balancing

  • Feeling 'centred' and calm.
  • Enhanced self-esteem, responsibility (for self and others)
  • Ability to focus and get things washed.
  • Ability to nurture self and others.

four) Centre Chakra (Centre of the chest)

Connects the lower chakras to the higher.

Associations – Love, selfless love, compassion, connection to others (and to everything in the universe), emotional expression (thoughts and feelings are processed here) Residence of inner cocky.

Signs of Imbalance

  • Stagnant energy here generates fearfulness, emotional detachment, selfishness, narrow mindedness (all leading to relationship breakdown).
  • Center illness, respiratory disorders and frequent infections.
  • Early aging signs.

Benefits of balancing

  • Increases feelings of beloved, security and connection towards everything in life.
  • Promotes vitality and openness, which is bonny to others.
  • As a result, life flows and opportunities grow.
  • Removes fear and gives courage.

5) Throat Chakra (Middle of pharynx hollow, above the collarbone)

Associations – all forms of advice (verbal, body language, mental, spiritual) and cocky-expression.

May be unbalanced past a lack of communication (inability to speak ane'south truth) due to emotional trauma or habits of upbringing.

'Communication' underpins everything nosotros do in life.

Signs of Imbalance

  • Poor advice and an inability to express oneself, leading to stress disorders (skin rashes, IBS, Crohn'due south affliction).
  • Anxiety, nervousness, feeling inhibited.
  • Poor concentration and attention deficit disorders.
  • Disability to relax (need to always exist doing something).
    ENT disorders and infections.

Benefits of Balancing

  • Improves advice on every level.
  • Healthy cocky-expression releases pent-up emotions (and gives freedom from by/buried traumas too).
  • Thus, alleviates many stress related conditions.
  • Builds self-esteem and improves relationships.
  • Enhances spiritual communication with guides and with the Universe.

6) Brow Chakra (Middle of brow, above eyebrows)

Associations – Centre of inspiration, creativity, wisdom, psychic abilities.

Acts as a receiver for extra sensory information, flowing continuously into our energy systems. Links the mind with the outside world and with the inner energy system. Hence, it processes our experiences and maintains mental wellness

Signs of Imbalance

  • Mental imbalance, negative ideas, personality disorders
  • Loss of creativity and 'mental fog'
  • Learning disabilities
  • Lack of motivation
  • Headaches, migraines, sinusitis, centre conditions

Benefits of Balancing
Balances the listen. Improves sense of perspective and insight.
Enhances mental clarity, intuition, creativity and psychic abilities.

7) Crown Chakra  (Peak of the head –  Pineal gland)

Associations – Centre of spirituality. Connection with the universe and cosmic consciousness. Higher cocky-awareness, wisdom, macerated ego, sense of purpose.Union with the higher cocky and the Divine.

Signs of Imbalance

    • Feeling lost, disconnected (lack of purpose and meaning in life).
    • High attachment to cloth needs.
    • Pessimism, dementia.
    • Lack of spirituality in life or beliefs.
    • Living in i's caput.
    • Closed mindedness.

Benefits of balancing
Access to higher states of consciousness.
Increases cocky-awareness, wisdom and optimism.
Humanitarianism and connection. Universal consciousness.