How Do I File For Full Child Custody In Arizona?

What To Expect During a Kid Custody Case In Arizona

One of the factors that impact a divorce process is child custody. Therefore, if you are considering a divorce, but you also desire to know how to file for full child custody in Arizona, yous may want to read this article.

Kid custody is the legal arrangement that specifies which parent volition decide the child's wellbeing. It usually refers to physical custody, but in many cases, a non-custodial parent tin too spend time with the minor.

In the post-obit lines, a Tucson child custody lawyer will explain the steps to file for kid custody successfully.

A Runthrough a Child Custody Case In Arizona Courts

Consider Arizona Laws Regarding Child Custody

Child custody is an important matter for parents who want a divorce or legal separation. It is also an option for parents who request the court to change the custody determination in earlier divorce cases. Parents who were never married can also consider kid custody to accept a court-established arrangement.

Child custody laws change depending on the state. In Arizona, there were major changes in 2013. One of them is that child custody, joint custody, or sole custody were changed to sole legal decision-making.

The term child visitation is no longer in use as it inverse for parenting time. Likewise, parenting time is also called access or visitation, and it is the non-custodial parent's chance to spend fourth dimension with the child.

How Is Kid Custody Legal Proceeding in Arizona?

Information technology depends on the couple and their legal union. For parents who were never married or are processing a divorce, child custody tin can exist arranged without Arizona courtroom intervention.

The parents tin can kindly accommodate the access and custody concerns, equally long as the agreement is in the kid's interest. Sadly, not all individual custody plans terminate well.

A family unit constabulary lawyer in Avondale is unremarkably necessary when the custody plan doesn't end friendly. That's because when the case is taken to court, child custody becomes a tense topic for both parents, making information technology an result for the court to solve.

Only lawyers with plenty expertise in these cases can assist parents get the best solution.

Child custody cases in Arizona tin can take three months to a year to conclude because of the many things that influence the case. It can take longer than that if both parents practise non discuss an understanding.

Take Fourth dimension To Prepare The Parenting Programme

Arizona requires parents to submit a parenting plan to the court if they want joint custody. This plan explains terms and conditions for both parties when taking care of the child. It becomes a part of the custody orders, making it somewhat an enforceable contract for both parents.

Even if both parents hold on custody arrangements, the court will still check this plan to see if it is in the kid's all-time involvement.

Will The Court Consider Full Child Custody?

Arizona courts start whatsoever child custody process by assuming that both parents should have joint custody. The Glendale child custody lawyer for either party may offering other alternatives, but initially, the courtroom has no preferences.

The courts do not have legal assumptions that favor one political party. With articulation custody, both parents share physical custody and other responsibilities regarding the child.

If yous think that joint custody is not a skillful option for your situation, y'all can file for total custody. The court does consider sole or full kid custody when appropriate.

Full Child Custody is when one parent has sole legal custody of a child. The court decides that one parent alone can make major decisions for the child, including important matters like education, religion, and health.

That doesn't hateful that both parents cannot discuss these matters, only that the court-designated parent has the final say.

It's usually better to file for total child custody if y'all take issues with the other parent regarding these topics:

  • Substance abuse (alcohol or drugs)
  • Domestic violence
  • Poor mental condition
  • Child Abuse
  • Criminal Record or History

If the other parent has any of these issues, the court will review your custody request to make a determination based on what'due south better for the kid's wellbeing.

You can increase your chances of getting that total child custody by contacting a Phoenix child custody attorney and by improving your skills as a parent. Instead of making false promises, improve your advice and emotional back up with the child. It's never too belatedly to be the parent your kid deserves.

Work With a Well-Experienced Kid Custody Lawyer In Phoenix

If you want to have your child custody instance to court, don't forget to contact a skilled Arizona family lawyer. Call My Az Lawyers to go legal representation and the best help during this process.

Our lawyers have experience in many practice areas, including child custody, family unit law, divorce, criminal defense, DUI defense, and many more. Call usa to get a no-obligation consultation with one of our lawyers!

Contact Professional Family Attorneys In Arizona

Arizona Offices:

Mesa Location:
1731 Westward Baseline Rd., Suite #100
Mesa, AZ 85202
Part: (480) 448-9800

Phoenix Location:
343 West Roosevelt, Suite #100
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Office: (602) 609-7000

Glendale Location:
20325 North 51st Artery Suite #134, Edifice 5
Glendale, AZ 85308
Office: (602) 509-0955

Tucson Location:
2 E Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 441-1450

Avondale Location:
12725 West. Indian Schoolhouse Rd., Ste E, #101
Avondale, AZ 85392
Office: (623) 469-6603